Friday 11 October 2013

Cold Weather BBQ

Get The Taste Of A Rotisserie

Everyone says that bbq's are for fair weather. I totally disagree!!

Why deny yourself the opportunity of creating delicious food, just 'cause it's got a bit colder.

If you use a caravan and it gets windy, you put up a wind break.
If you go out in the cold, you put on extra clothing.
If it rains, you put up an umbrella.

So, why do BBQ's not deserve the same treatment.

Put up a shelter/gazebo
Put up a wind break
Add some extra charcoal

BUT, don't be put off.  How great is to have your roasts cooked on a rotisserie in winter?
How great is it to cook Caribbean food on the bbq when it's cold?

Any problems, call me on 01494 511368
Visit our website:

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