Friday 22 November 2013

Rotigrill Supports Charities

Rotigrill supports various charities by supplying outdoor cooking equipment for fund raising events. 

We also help with the cooking itself when required, but on most occasions we work with "Taistertainment", our catering associates.  This Saturday we are supplying equipment for the Mayor of High Wycombe's charity event at the "Hellfire Caves" in West Wycombe.  I should mention at this point that we will be cooking local game, mainly partridge and pheasant, supplied by George Davies, a local  farmer and game dealer.

In the past we have also supported Arts4Everyone and during the new year we hope to lend our support to the "Sue Ryder" charity.

We do this as our equipment (when not in commercial use) can either sit in store and do nothing or be used for good causes.  We would encourage other organisations in a similar situation to do the same.  Apart from feeling very pleased with ourselves (natural human emotion), any revenue contribution to charities is well received, as they have had a tough time during the recent economic downturn.

On a personal note, I play in a band called "Red & Grey", who perform for charity.  We mainly support Cancer Research UK, but if anyone has a charity fund raining event and needs a live band, please let me know.  (40 mile radius of High Wycombe)

Friday 15 November 2013

New Rotisserie BBQ Recipes On Our Web Site

BBQ recipes for your rotisserie.

As winter approaches, a lot of people will be thinking of wrapping up the bbq.  Why deprive yourself of all those lovely flavours, just because the temperature has dropped a few degrees.

We have just posted some new bbq recipes on our website. They are free to download, so please take a look.

There's a bbq chicken recipe that is so simple to cook (lemon chicken) and delivers an amazing taste. Pork is becoming more popular, mainly due to people's love of crackling.  And when you experience crackling from roast pork cooked on a rotisserie, you won't want it any other way in future.

We are also, always on the lookout for new recipes, so if you have any ideas, please let us know.  We will be happy to give you a mention on the site.

Friday 1 November 2013

How To Cook On A Rotisserie BBQ

Many people ask me how to get the best cooking results from their rotisserie bbq.

The first thing to mention is that on our web site there is a page dedicated to helping you with rotisserie cooking.

The same basic principles apply to rotisserie cooking as to cooking in your oven, regarding cooking time. It's also similar in that you "blast" your roasts for 15 minutes to seal the meat.  Apart from these two aspects of cooking, your rotisserie will need a slightly different approach.

Temperature control is vital.  Cooking over charcoal gives best results and is more authentic than gas.  Also, with charcoal rotisseries you can see your food cooking.  It's what I call the "theatre of cooking".  If your food is underneath a hood, you see nothing.  Admittedly with a gas bbq, you can adjust the temperature by turning a knob and checking the thermometer.  With charcoal bbq's, getting the right amount of heat is a combination of the right amount of charcoal, plus the cooking height above the coals.

Charcoal bbq's create a heat "envelope" within which your meat sits during cooking, so it is not subject to direct heat. As a general rule, if lots of fat is dripping onto your coals, causing flares, your meat is too close to the coals.  If little or no fat drips out you are too far away, but if some fat is dripping out and not causing any flares, you are about right.

For crackling you need to lower your cooking height for the last 5 to 10 minutes.  Unfortunately, gas (covered) rotisseries tend not to produce such good crackling.

Anyway, do look at our web site and call me if you need any help or advice with your rotisserie cooking.