Friday 24 May 2013

The Big Food Debate Goes On - What's Healthy and What Isn't?

We produce BBQ equipment; more specifically, rotisserie BBQ's.  Time and again, customers call me to ask how to cook all sorts of things and I am really glad to help them.  However, recently, someone called and it really stumped me.  She asked about calorie content, fat content and all manner of things about how healthy it was to eat food cooked on a BBQ. I had to admit that I didn't have answers to her questions and suggested that she should search Google for a nutrition site.

This got me thinking and luckily I bumped into a personal fitness trainer at a networking event, who during conversation said that he advises and presents not only on training, but also nutrition.  Right! I repeated the questions from my customer and here's the gist of what he said.  Unless food is packed with chemicals to either preserve them or enhance their flavour, it is all good. He suggested that "A little bit of what you fancy won't harm you".  It is where people self indulge in both foods and quantities that they know aren't good for them that problems occur.  He maintains that it is the person and not the food that is the issue.  We all have choices and the vast amount of regulations that exist means that by and large we can make informed decisions as to what we eat. 

His next topics were portions and balance.  Control the portion sizes and balance food intake with the right combinations that we need.  We all know what they are; not too much meat, red meat on occasions, vegetables and fruit, fish and pulses.

On the main subject of bbq food, he reckons that provided the food isn't smothered with sauces, bbq food can be very healthy as there is no added fat.  Again, use fresh produce and not fatty burgers and sausages.  We roast a lot of our food on the rotisserie and apart from fantastic taste, most natural fat either drips off or burns away.

Another nutrition adviser I spoke to said simply: "Cut out the C.R.A.P." (Caffeine, Refined sugar, Additives and Preservatives), then eat a natural, balanced diet.

All this makes absolute sense, so my message to my customer when she next calls is to read this blog.
Then try some of the delicious recipes from our website:

Thursday 9 May 2013

Time To BBQ

Time to BBQ

Now that the weather seems to be improving, people will be bringing out their bbq's. We specialise in rotisserie bbq's, which offer all sorts of cooking options for outdoor events. On our web site, we have all the equipment that you'll need, plus a "How To" page and some great bbq recipes. 

We cater for those who want something small, to put in the car or caravan, multi roast bbq's for the home and garden, plus specialist machines for a Lamb Roast or Hog Roast.

Everything is great value and built to last.